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frequently-asked questions


Who can enter?

2023 Edition. The competition is open to all professionals and students in the field of architecture, interiors and design from Denmark, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

Can teams enter? And international teams?

Yes, entries can be individual or in teams. If a team is entered, when enrolling online the contact details of a person representing the team must be supplied, which will be the one to communicate with the organisers.

If the team is composed of members with different nationalities, one of the members, as representative person, has to come from and be based in one of the participating European countries (Denmark, Italy, Portugal or Spain).

Is there an entry fee?

No, entry is free.

Once I have enrolled, what else do I have to do?

You will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions on the process of handing in the panel.

Can I participate in several editions?

If you have participated in any of the previous editions of the competiton, you can only compete again if you did not obtain any type of prize, honorable mention or finalist proposal at any category.

Will further documentation be supplied once I have entered the competition?

No, all the material for the competition can be downloaded without enrolling and this is what is considered necessary and sufficient to enter a proposal in a competition of ideas.

What can we do to the pavilion?

Yes, since it is a project / simulation. In a real situation it is not allowed to drill walls or ceiling.

Does the furniture have to stay in the pavilion?

No, the Barcelona chairs, the rug and the curtain can be removed.

Can elements be hung on the walls or ceiling?

Yes, since it is a project / simulation. In a real situation it is not allowed to drill walls or ceiling.

Do I have to use USM furniture only?

It is mandatory that the proposals use USM furniture as main elements. It can be complemented with other elements such as lights, vegetation, fabrics, and so on. This other furniture can be used as long as it has already been produced by a manufacturer and there is a VR element. Winners will be asked to submit furniture items using the following 3D compatible files for the VR project: .skp, .3ds, .dwg, .dwg, .obj, FBX, .3dm.

Can further information be provided in addition to that on the competition panel?

No, the jury will only consider the information contained in the panel submitted.